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Biotech Foods- Symptoms of Excess Bt-Gene Worm Killer Toxin
Dr. Norman F. Childers, Ph.D.

Reports of people symptoms of excess toxin from the Bt-gene worm and Monarch butterfly killer (Bacillus thuringiensis) seem to be minimized or non-existent in the media.  The Bt gene in late 1999 was reported to be in about 50 percent of the corn and 30% of the soybean products, some tomatoes and potatoes on the U.S. Market; but eating at restaurants, bars, and eateries one could not be sure which foods have the gene.  The corn (syrup for sweetener and starch) and soybean (oil and lecithin) products are labeled in numerous foods across the board as bread, grits, candies, cakes, muffins, cookies, cough drops, sodas, cereals, salad dressings, some ice creams, and numerous other foods.  One needs only to read the "Ingredients" listing on packaging to avoid even bits of the toxin which can accumulate from several foods.  People susceptible to arthritic aches and pains seem to be among the most susceptible.  Some people may be able to tolerate small amounts of the toxin, but also may get mild symptoms unaware of the cause.  Among our Foundation's current 4,000+ cooperators, reports of mysterious new symptoms are coming in which can not be explained by our dieting routine.  Long-time cooperators seem to have a rationalizing attitude, "Guess I'm just aging, lets face it."  Our Diet program is essentially avoiding rigidly the nightshade foods which are relatives of tobacco and are relatives in the same family,  Solanaceae.  The nightshade food plants, like tobacco, contain mild drugs such as nicotine which may help explain why these vegetables (tomato, potato, eggplant, and peppers) have come to occupy a fourth to half of almost every meal.  No-Nightshades Dieters are mostly free of arthritic aches and pains and are in good health, living longer.  Hence, when new pains and harsh symptoms mysteriously appear, Dieters usually know something new has entered their dieting routine.

People symptoms of too much Bt toxin apparently have not appeared in the International media.  The few reports to our Foundation to date (since 1999) are:  stiff fingers and in areas of most stress as hands may become swollen, hot to the touch, inflamed, sore and thumb or finger joint may start cracking on bending; weak in lifting; can't sleep well; fuzzy thinking and hearing; sight and teeth may be affected on the side of the body most affected; dry unruly hair, some falling; generally tired on arising in mornings; want to sit down or lie down; little ambition and energy.  Symptoms may worsen soon after consuming more toxin and may gradually disappear over a few days to two weeks after one begins to try to avoid the toxin.  It is not certain but many people seem to have a lingering occasional tickling of the throat leading to coughing.  Symptoms can be severe.  A few cooperators report not being able to get out of bed in the mornings, and if they do, needing a cane to get around.  This happened to me after eating a handful of mixed nuts which were "roasted" in cottonseed oil which can be powerful.  Especially on an empty stomach like I had.  The doctor found no evidence of a stroke.  One person was crawling on hands and knees and doctors were suggesting a form of arthritis (fibromyalgia.)  Another was in bed three weeks because they couldn't walk.  The only treatment is to exercise and drink plenty of water to "wash" the toxin through the system.  The U.S. media has not reported symptoms coming from Europe (or the United States) which are apparently clear cut, resulting in the GM labeling law passed in England, October 1999.  Perhaps the media is reluctant to cover this issue, fearing a panic may ensue. 

Agriculturally trained professionals likely would be very cautious in weaving a gene in food plants that can develop a toxin which kills worms eating the plant; in ornamentals perhaps "yes."  But what would such a toxin do to people who consume it in their food?  If it were done, they would at least run animal feeding trials before entering the market, and not use humans as guinea pigs to hurriedly  make big money.  Pharmaceuticals (Monsanto e.g.) are leading this program.  The Bt gene could be quite valuable to the farming business.  The Bt toxin spray has been applied to the outer surfaces of food plants for years with no apparent problem.  

The concern for GM (Genetically Modified) foods has spread rapidly over the world.  It is suggested that you contact the managers of where you eat out, or the chain restaurant head managers and ask them simply to request their suppliers to try to get foods and ingredients which are free from genetic modification (GM).  This is the best we can do of switch to organically grown foods which are free of chemicals and gene modification.  The organic items are now available in many supermarkets.  Leading genetic engineers continue to claim vigorously that their foods are "safe" (without scientifically performed data to prove it!).  Concerned people can also phone the 800 numbers on food packaging and ask the companies if they are using biotech genetically modified foods (the Bt insecticide gene is the key problem), and if they are, please stop for the public's benefit, at least until the problems are corrected.  A congressman in Washington, DC (a successful nightshades Dieter) has contacted us in regard to the food problem. 

Reported in 1999 by the Arthritis Nightshades Research Foundation and as of 2002 there has been no change in regulations by the FDA or EPA.  They still claim the food to be "safe."