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Nicotine in Vegetables
Dr. Norman F. Childers

If you spend three hours in a room with minimal tobacco smoke, you get about the same amount amount of nicotine in 5 oz. of potatoes, 8 1/2 oz. ripe tomatoes, 9 1/2 oz. cauliflower, and 1/3 oz. eggplant.  Cooking decreases some of the nicotine.  These results are appearing in medical journals (e.g. The New England Journal of Medicine) from the experimental laboratories of Dr. Edward Domino, University of Michigan and colleagues.  Extensive research is needed with the food nightshades to determine the culprits causing the subtle deteriorating effects on the human body as well as livestock.  The horticulturalists need to study the possibility of "breeding down or out" the poisonous culprits in the highly popular and addicting food nightshades.